The world’s only autonomous underwater and surface vehicle:
The Triton
Whatever your needs, the Triton will meet them
The Triton is world’s first and only Autonomous Underwater and Surface Vehicle (AUSV). It can sail and submerge autonomously to collect data both above and below the ocean’s surface and relay it to you from anywhere, at anytime.
The Triton was built to be versatile and to handle a range of missions across a number of industries. Our pre-packaged payloads will cover 90% of the applications in the defense, research, and off-shore energy sectors, but the system is designed to support rapid NRE efforts for more specific use-cases. Optional state-of-the-art payloads include advanced modal communications for high bandwidth data transfer in remote areas as well as obstacle avoidance software/hardware to ensure autonomous reactions to unexpected mission complications.
Key Features
Launch and recovery is simple and streamlined from a ship at sea with a davit using a single pick-point, or from a ship or shore ramp with launch dollies that come with the vehicles. With just one to two people, you can launch or recover a TRITON in minutes.
The TRITON can sail autonomously for 3 months on solar and wind power at speeds of up to 5 knots.
The TRITON acts a submarine and can submerge autonomously for 5 days at a time at speeds of 2 knots.
On-board communications packages include iridium, WiFi, 900Mhz, and some of the most advanced radio mesh networks in the world. Additional communication equipment can be outfitted to fit niche needs.
The TRITON has a low radar and visual signature. The radar cross section disappears ¼ of a mile out and the TRITON’S color scheme disrupts visual detection at just 100m-distance. Autonomous deep dive submergence allows the TRITON to avoid detection and evade threats.
The GUI boasts intuitive controls and offers a fleet-wide ability to manage multiple missions and vehicles at a time using a way point system for course and payload management.
Versatile system architecture means we can craft niche payloads for specific applications.
Proudly 100% made in the USA and with solely American investors, Ocean Aero is a team of nearly one hundred people who source our parts from the US and our allies.