We exist to support our ocean’s most driven explorers: defense, research, and energy clients. We want to help drive your missions in unprecedented ways—more efficiently, more affordably, and more effectively. Learn how.
The TRITON accelerates maritime domain awareness missions with a minimal logistics footprint while still carrying an array of tools in its agnostic payload bays (wing, body and keel). Easily transported by air or ground and deployable from ship or shore, the TRITON offers a variety of mission sets performed independently and can connect seafloor to space for a more networked approach with other crewed and uncrewed systems. Selected for the toughest of missions in the most challenging environments, TRITONs represent a significant force multiplier, all with an ability to evade and avoid detection by diving whenever the situation calls for it.
TRITONs can be outfitted with high resolution video line scanners, combined thermal imagery (SWIR), solid state radars, passive mini-towed arrays, side-scan and gap-filler sonars, and many, many other of the world’s most sophisticated sensors.
ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance)
MCM (Mine Counter-Measures)
ASW (Anti-Submarine Warfare)
The TRITON offers a disruptive solution for ocean surveillance and monitoring and will strengthen Monitoring, Control and Surveillance (MCS) capabilities. Payloads, including visual and IR cameras, acoustic arrays, salinity, temperature, wind speed & direction, and bathymetry sensors can provide the intelligence, communication, cooperation, and coordination required to surveil the ocean safely and effectively.
Multi-use Autonomous Underwater and Surface Vehicles (AUSVs) can operate without an escort or mothership and cost a fraction of crewed vessels, can collect ocean data, document violations, and dive to collect water column data, avoid detection and threats of collision or vandalism.
Ocean Acidification / Water Chemistry
Apex Predator Monitoring
Marine Mammal Monitoring
Cultural Heritage
Fisheries Counts / Habitat Monitoring / IUU
METOC / Hurricane Observation
Seabed Mapping
Vessel Traffic Monitoring
Data acquisition in the offshore energy industry has traditionally been limited to tethered ROVs and other cumbersome, expensive technologies. The TRITON offers a new way to tackle the problem.
With advanced obstacle avoidance and associated cameras, fluorometers, bathymetry sensors, bottom-lock tracking and more, the payloads being planned for the offshore energy industry offer endless possibilities. The TRITON feeds predictive analytic and machine learning algorithms, offering human operators more fidelity in their field.
Visual surface platform inspections (pre/post storm assessments)
Hydrocarbon-driven leak detection
Oil field security (visual)
“Shallow-water” flowline inspection (<200 meter)
Vertical riser inspection
Pressure Inverted Echo Sounder data collection
Avoid detection while being a force multiplier. Easy logistics, launch, and recovery.
The TRITON has a low radar cross section that disappears ¼ a mile out, color schemes that disrupt visual detection, and deep diving capabilities to avoid detection and evade threats.
Strengthen Monitoring, Control, & Surveillance (MCS) capabilities. Avoid threats of collision and vandalism.
The TRITON provides live water chemistry reads, animal tracking, habitat monitoring, weather observation, seabed mapping, and more.
Replace tethered ROVs for monitoring. Feed predictive analytic algorithms with more and better data.
The TRITON offers advanced obstacle avoidance and associated cameras, fluorometers, bathymetry sensors, bottom-lock tracking and more.